Expedited Confirmatory HIV Testing Requisition

The 24/7 Illinois Perinatal HIV Hotline offers expedited confirmatory HIV testing at Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s Immunology Laboratory for calls to the Hotline in which an urgent confirmatory HIV test result is needed for clinical decision making.The specimens are processed with a 4th generation HIV-1/2 antigen/antibody laboratory-based test with reflex to the HIV-1/HIV-2 antibody differentiation immunoassay, and the HIV-1 RNA assay (viral load) if needed for confirmation of HIV diagnosis. If you require expedited testing, you must first call the Illinois Perinatal HIV Hotline at 1-800-439-4079 and follow these specimen collection and shipping instructions. All tests must be requested through the Hotline and ordered by a Hotline clinician or else they will not be processed.


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Expedited Confirmatory HIV Testing Requisition Form662.82 KB 662.82 KB