HIV and Cesarean Delivery Post-operative Complications

This study compared rates of cesarean delivery post-operative complications for women with HIV and those without. Women with HIV were less likely to have an emergent cesarean delivery and to have ruptured membranes prior to delivery while having similar rates of post-operative infections as those women without HIV. The study concluded that emergent cesarean deliveries and chorioamnionitis were risk factors for post-operative endometritis, but that HIV infection was not a risk factor.


Cavasin H, Dola T, Uribe O, Biswas M, Do M, Bhuiyan A, Dery M, Dola C. Postoperative infectious morbidities of cesarean delivery in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2009; 2009: 827405. E-pub 29 May 2009.

Original Article (subscription may be required)
