The enhanced case manager is VERY SENSITIVE to the confidential nature of the HIV diagnosis and the preliminary positive HIV status. The case manager is not allowed, by law, to disclose this information to anyone without the client’s specific permission.

We recommend that you seek out individual help or a support group (online or in person). HIV and pregnancy can be really isolating. There are professionals that can help you talk about your feelings, talk to your partner about your diagnosis, safe sex and dealing with learning about your diagnosis during pregnancy. Many people find out about their HIV status through prenatal testing. You are not alone.

Many pregnant people are eligible to see a case manager or social worker. They can help make sure that your basic needs (food, housing, transportation) are met in addition to helping to link you to support groups or other services that you may need.

Project Inform has a great website with lots of other fact sheets on pregnancy and HIV. HIVinfo also has excellent resources. Websites specifically for women include TheBody.com and thewellproject.org. Remember to visit our Helpful Links section too.
