Antenatal Triple Therapy and Pregnancy Outcomes in Africa

The DREAM centers in Mozambique and Malawi looked at the administration of nevirapine-based ART triple therapy during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Women on triple therapy showed lower rates of maternal mortality, abortion/stillbirth, and prematurity than those on no ART therapy antenatally. These results were independent of CD4. The use of antenatal triple therapy shows promise for reducing poor birth outcomes in low-resource settings.

Marazzi MC, Palombi L, Nielsen-Saines K, Haswell J, Zimba I, Magid NA, Buonomo E, Scarcella P, Ceffa S, Paturzo G, Narciso P, Liotta G. Extended antenatal use of triple antiretroviral therapy for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 correlates with favorable pregnancy outcomes. AIDS. 2011 Aug 24;25(13):1611-8.

Original Article (subscription may be required)
